Name.remal.github actions ci

Plugin class:

plugins {
    id 'name.remal.github-actions-ci' version '1.5.0'
plugins {
    id("name.remal.github-actions-ci") version "1.5.0"


This plugin works only if CI and GITHUB_ACTIONS environment variables equals to true.

The plugin applies name.remal.common-ci plugin.

Current build is treated as executed on a CI server if CI and GITHUB_ACTIONS environment variables equals to true.


The plugin sets ci extension values:

  • pipelineId to GITHUB_RUN_ID environment variable
  • buildId to null
  • stageName to null
  • jobName to null


If name.remal.vcs-operations plugin is applied, this plugin:

  • Sets vcsOperations.overwriteCurrentBranch to GITHUB_REF (without ref/heads/ prefix).